Christmas has always been one of my very favorite times of the year. Volunteering with family and friends to help those in need at Christmas time is something I have cherished for a very long time. But one-year things became even more personal. . . It was the first day after Christmas break and my young daughter came home from her beloved new school absolutely devastated. She looked up at me with big tears rolling down her sad little face and asked me how Santa could have possibly missed stopping at Johnny’s house. I instantly thought of the little boy Johnny in her class who was being raised by his grandma. I knew things were hard, that they were just barely getting by, but I didn’t realize it was this bad. My heart ached both for him but also for her. I discretely called his teacher, and within 24 hours a magical drop off was arranged with a note that Santa was terribly sorry and had missed this important stop due to sleigh malfunctions.
I vowed from that point forward that no child at this school would miss the magic and wonder of Christmas again, not on my watch. We began serving the children in need at that special school and, over time, began helping other schools with their students in need. Currently, we work with and serve the needs of 8 different schools. The Magic of Mittens is a grassroots organization that provides to children and single mothers in need strictly through the kindness and generosity of others. We are beyond grateful for all those who want to help and believe that together we really can make a difference!
The Magic of Mittens was founded with the Faith & Hope we can share the Magic of the Season with Children in need.
To bring the Magic and Love of Christmas to local children in need by sharing the true spirit of Giving.